

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Russian Connection

THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION🐸🎶🇷🇺 - Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Randy covers several aspects of the Trump-Russia connection in ways that only Randy can. The parody starts with an "interview" with Trump where Randy asks him about the firing of FBI Director Comey. When Trump says the he's a "showboat" Randy takes off with it: "A showboat, well those are pretty harsh words coming from the Titanic."

When the subject turns to the administration's incessant lying, Randy starts in with the song, The Russian Connection, sung to the tune of The Rainbow Connection from the finale of The Muppet Movie.

The video wouldn't be complete without some sort of reference to Sean Spicer in the bushes, and Randy delivers. Enjoy!

Like Randy? Check out his YouTube Channel: Randy Rainbow

Love,  Mothra

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