

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Manipulating the Free Press

NPR-WH Lashing Out
NPR: Spicer/White House Lash Out

Trump, Spicey, Bannon-Himmler, Miller-Goebbels and Conway and all of the alt-right media are calling things that have been witnessed and recorded by the entire world "false stories and inaccurate facts." Things we have seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears are being called false. The press is being "mean" because they criticize things like this administration's trying to push its way through the checks and balances that exist to protect us from exactly what they are doing. To Trump, anything that doesn't fit is schoolboy agenda is called "fake news" and rejected.
The supposed leaders of the free world have been blatantly and purposely delegitimizing the free press. 

Now they are starting to bar entities of the free press that criticize them. We aren't even on a slippery slope anymore - we are flying down the slope.
WAKE UP, Trumpers! They are blowing smoke up your ass because they know they can - you have allowed them do it. Trump picks up a cookie and says it is a hand grenade or Spicer points to black and says it is white and you believe them. It has got to stop! You guys have got to open your eyes and start standing up to it!

The survival of our DEMOCRACY and the rest of the free world hangs in the balance.
Love, Mothra

Friday, February 24, 2017

You're Making Things Up Again, Donald!

You're Making Things Up Again, Donald! 🤥🤥🎶 Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Randy Rainbow interviews Trump among other hilarious things. "You're chewing up facts and then shitting out fiction."

Like Randy? Check out his YouTube Channel: Randy Rainbow

Love, Mothra

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Swedengate: Trump Mind Games

Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.'
 Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'

This is what Trump and his insiders all do - they throw what they KNOW is bullshit like this Sweden thing out there on purpose as fodder for Trump's followers, knowing that even if they retract it later on, it will have already become fact in the alt-right world.

Trumpers, can you NOT SEE this game that they play with your minds? Lie after lie after lie - open your eyes! It is the same shit that the Nazis did. Read your history books! 

NOTHING happened in Sweden. "The most recent terrorist attack in Sweden, according to The Associated Press, happened in 2010, when an Iraqi-born Swede carried out a suicide bombing, injuring two people and killing only himself."

Several media outlets discussed Trump's faux pas about Sweden. The above video is a conglomerate of the different media reports.

Swedish Terrorist Thugs

On a lighter note, people in the know say that this group of terrorist thugs was plying their wares in Sweden on Friday ...

Love, Mothra

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Berating the Free Press

Trump's "Fake News"

Wow, even Fox News is disgusted with our man-child president. Holy shit - look at Fox anchor Shepard Smith go after him.

Guess what Drumpf - the "news" you watch on Fox and read on Breitbart are what is fake, not the mainstream media. But of course, I think you know that. You are just purposely trying to delegitimize the free press for your own agenda.

According to an article in Variety:

Shepard Smith, the Fox News anchor, on Thursday afternoon seemed to have had enough of Donald Trump’s slams at the media as peddlers of “fake news” — or, when it comes to CNN, “very fake news.”

"It is crazy what we are watching every day, it is absolutely crazy," Smith said. "He keeps repeating ridiculous throwaway lines that are not true at all and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we are some kind of fools for asking the question.Smith then started to look into the camera and added, "Really? Your opposition was hacked, and the Russians were responsible for it, and your people were on the phone on the same day it was happening, and we are fools for asking those questions? No sir, we are not fools for asking those questions, and we demand to know the answer to this question. You owe this to the American people."

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Unthinkable


I've been checking out the new reports about all of the communications between Trump's campaign aides and Russia. It has made me think about our country's stance regarding Russia and the USSR through most of my lifetime. Putting it into that context sure gives it a different feel.

POTUS campaign insiders in cahoots with Russia; wow, whoa, holy shit, WTF? My die-hard Republican dad, for one, is turning in his grave. There are lots of graves being churned up tonight. Think about our past leaders - Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Ford and even Tricky Dick Nixon. Oh, and not to forget the epitome of conservative adoration, Ronald Reagan.

What sort of unrest are the souls of these men going through as these latest treasonous acts are coming to light?

Yeah, I know - maybe Nixon shouldn't be included in this sentiment. He had his own WTF's to wriggle out of. Cahoots with Russia is what this post is about, though, and they are all rolling in their graves about that, Nixon included. The Soviet Union was the enemy - period, end of discussion. The better part of what these men did during their presidencies were things having to do with protecting us from Russia and the Soviets. 

The Russian connection is the equivalent of blasphemy. And I believe that Trump is entangled with this tangle-fuck all the way up to his orange wig.

Love, Mothra

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fact-Checker, Fact-Checker

FACT-CHECKER, FACT-CHECKER 🎳💚 Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Heh heh, Randy has outdone himself on this one! Sung to the tune of Matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof, Randy goes after those "alternative facts" again.

Like Randy? Check out his YouTube Channel: Randy Rainbow

Love, Mothra

Friday, February 10, 2017

Something Wrong With This Picture

What's Wrong?

Even if we put Trump's racism, homophobia, personal greed, and other character flaws aside, this belligerent, immature, pathologically dishonest, ignorant, fascist, demonstrably insane "leader" of the free world is our Commander in Chief. His hands are on the nuke buttons (so to speak). This man-child is not even in control of his own emotions, yet he has the power to put the entire world in harm's way.

The scariest part of it all though, is that we all have people we know who do not "get" that there is a problem with that. People who have been being calculatedly and carefully brainwashed for years by conservative talk radio, Fox News and now despicable spewers of blatant, easily debunkable lies and half truths, Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit and others.

On top of that, they are also buying into completely fake "news" stories put together by impostor and satire sites. Yes, there really are people who think it's real that Hillary Clinton was involved in a child sex ring based in a pizza joint, and there are lots of them.

WHAT will it take to help these people get their minds back? It is almost impossible to even talk to some of these folks. They don't want or care about facts; they don't care or believe that they are constantly being lied to. Trump has them convinced that the legitimate free press is fake, our judges are incompetent, our election was rigged, and he has the right to block out anybody who says anything bad about him. That is some seriously scary shit, folks.

Love, Mothra

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Alternative Facts (ft. Kellyanne Conway)

ALTERNATIVE FACTS 😼 Randy Rainbow Song Parody (ft. Kellyanne Conway) 😼

Randy Rainbow "schools" KellyAnne Conjob (oops, that's Conway) on the meaning of "alternative facts."

Like Randy? Check out his YouTube Channel: Randy Rainbow

Love, Mothra

Friday, February 3, 2017

Guns for Nut Cases

House Votes To Overturn Obama Rule Restricting Gun Sales To The Severely Mentally Ill

Handgun ViolenceNPR:
Republicans argued it infringed upon Second Amendment rights by denying due process. About 75,000 people found mentally incapable of managing their finances would have been affected.

Stop Handguns
Well isn't that smart - ban refugees who have been thoroughly vetted and pose little threat (that is backed up by facts) and keep guns in the hands of the nut-cases who are the main perpetrators of the terroristic mass-shootings that have happened in the last several years (also backed up by facts).

1 + 1 does not equal 3, folks. Do the math and open your eyes. This measure would not take your guns unless you are mentally ill. Do you really want guns in the hands of mentally ill people? Seriously - do you want unstable, unpredictable people who have been diagnosed as mentally ill to have guns? I'm not saying they are bad people, they just are not always in control of their own coping skills and other faculties.

Litmus test - would you want such a person to live next door to you if they owned guns? Would you want them to live anywhere near your children's schools or the place you work if they had guns? Would you want to work where they work if they were gun-owners? I seriously doubt that you would.

WAKE UP Trumpers!

Love, Mothra

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Nothing But Tweets!


Randy Rainbow weighed in on the tweeting addiction that our POTUS has in one of his earlier song parodies.

This is TOO funny!! Enjoy!

Like Randy? Check out his YouTube Channel: Randy Rainbow

Love, Mothra