

Friday, February 10, 2017

Something Wrong With This Picture

What's Wrong?

Even if we put Trump's racism, homophobia, personal greed, and other character flaws aside, this belligerent, immature, pathologically dishonest, ignorant, fascist, demonstrably insane "leader" of the free world is our Commander in Chief. His hands are on the nuke buttons (so to speak). This man-child is not even in control of his own emotions, yet he has the power to put the entire world in harm's way.

The scariest part of it all though, is that we all have people we know who do not "get" that there is a problem with that. People who have been being calculatedly and carefully brainwashed for years by conservative talk radio, Fox News and now despicable spewers of blatant, easily debunkable lies and half truths, Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit and others.

On top of that, they are also buying into completely fake "news" stories put together by impostor and satire sites. Yes, there really are people who think it's real that Hillary Clinton was involved in a child sex ring based in a pizza joint, and there are lots of them.

WHAT will it take to help these people get their minds back? It is almost impossible to even talk to some of these folks. They don't want or care about facts; they don't care or believe that they are constantly being lied to. Trump has them convinced that the legitimate free press is fake, our judges are incompetent, our election was rigged, and he has the right to block out anybody who says anything bad about him. That is some seriously scary shit, folks.

Love, Mothra

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