

Friday, February 3, 2017

Guns for Nut Cases

House Votes To Overturn Obama Rule Restricting Gun Sales To The Severely Mentally Ill

Handgun ViolenceNPR:
Republicans argued it infringed upon Second Amendment rights by denying due process. About 75,000 people found mentally incapable of managing their finances would have been affected.

Stop Handguns
Well isn't that smart - ban refugees who have been thoroughly vetted and pose little threat (that is backed up by facts) and keep guns in the hands of the nut-cases who are the main perpetrators of the terroristic mass-shootings that have happened in the last several years (also backed up by facts).

1 + 1 does not equal 3, folks. Do the math and open your eyes. This measure would not take your guns unless you are mentally ill. Do you really want guns in the hands of mentally ill people? Seriously - do you want unstable, unpredictable people who have been diagnosed as mentally ill to have guns? I'm not saying they are bad people, they just are not always in control of their own coping skills and other faculties.

Litmus test - would you want such a person to live next door to you if they owned guns? Would you want them to live anywhere near your children's schools or the place you work if they had guns? Would you want to work where they work if they were gun-owners? I seriously doubt that you would.

WAKE UP Trumpers!

Love, Mothra

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