

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sorry Mr. Murrow!

Edward R. Murrow on McCarthy: 
We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.
Yes we will, and yes we are - so full of fear that a we have put an incompetent, dishonest, immature, mentally ill sociopath man-child in the White House. Actually, "we" didn't do it. Trumpers did it with the help of rabid Bernie Sanders fans.

At best, the right-wing agenda is going to dismantle parts of our democracy that have taken decades and even centuries to achieve. All under the guise of being things that will create more jobs. Ummm, just look at history and see how that approach does NOT work. The only thing that putting more money into the hands of the uber-wealthy ever does is make the wealthy wealthier. It doesn't trickle down, people. It never has. It never will.

At worst, Trump and along with his sidekicks Bannon-Himmler and Miller-Goebbels are in the midst of creating a dictatorship based on their white supremacist views, likely in collusion with Russia, and the right wingers who currently control the House and Senate are so intent on pushing through their "feed the rich" agenda that they are ignoring the warning signs.

I wonder how many years it will take to undo the damage that this is doing to our country. 

Love, Mothra

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Overcoming Hatred

Yes, We CAN Overcome Hatred!

Refugee Family Helps Man Overcome Hatred
This man’s Syrian refugee neighbors changed his outlook on Muslims for the better
Posted by NowThis on Sunday, March 26, 2017

I would love to see things like this happen more often. I went through this change several years ago, thank God. I am far from perfect, but I am now usually able to stop myself when I start jumping to conclusions about people that I do not know. 

Try it yourself!
Love, Mothra

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Nail on the Head

The nail on the head.... Obama on the Republican theory of economics:
It’s a theory that says, if we do little more than just cut taxes for those at the very top, if we strip out regulations and let special interests write their own rules, prosperity trickles down to the rest of us. And I take the opposite view. And I take it not for ideological reasons, but for historic reasons, because of the evidence.
We know from the facts that are there for all to see that America does better, our economy does better, everybody does better when the middle class does better and we’ve got more ladders for people to get into the middle class if they’re willing to work hard. We do better when everyone grows together — top, middle, bottom. We do better when everyone has a chance not only to benefit from America’s success, but also to contribute to America’s success. And we know from more recent history that when we stray from that ideal it doesn’t turn out well. We’ve now got evidence there is a better way, there is a better approach. And I’m calling it middle-class economics.
Exactly! Trickle down economics is the biggest fallacy to ever hit the economic world. It hasn't worked. It doesn't work. It will never work. Greed makes the trickle down theory impossible to achieve.

Love, Mothra

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Don't Be A Sucker!

Are You Being A Sucker?

Step back. Watch this 1940's movie from the US War Dept and then think. Think about how it correlates to what is happening today.

Our dads and granddads fought and DIED in WWII to stop this shit. This is exactly why I have been posting so many "wake up" stories. It is exactly why I have been brutally honest with some people about their support for the forces that are trying to drive our country apart by employing the same practices that are seen in this film.

History is quite possibly repeating itself, people. Watch this old film and think about it. Then open your eyes and WAKE UP!

Love, Mothra

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Impeachara ®

Oh, my, my, my, but I need me some of this!!


Love, Mothra

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Microwaves are Watching YOU!

MICROWAVES (Are Watching You!) - Randy Rainbow Song Parody πŸ‘€

Hmmm, I think this was pretty predictable, eh? Randy Rainbow interviews Kellyanne Conjob (oops Conway) and, of course, picks up on the microwave angle for his latest song parody! I can't stop laughing about this one ...

Like Randy? Check out his YouTube Channel: Randy Rainbow

Love, Mothra

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Trump Knew About Flynn

Michael Flynn

Michael Flynn's Foreign Connections

The Trump administration definitely knew about Michael Flynn and his Turkish ties that were complete conflicts of interest. The administration also knew about Flynn's Russian ties. Yet Trump appointed Flynn as National Security Adviser, anyway. National SECURITY Adviser!


Here are a couple of articles about the Flynn situation.
How Did Michael Flynn Ever Get Hired as National Security Adviser?
Trump transition knew of Flynn's pro-Turkey lobbying before White House appointment

If this doesn't make you wonder what is going on, then you need to go back to college and re-learn how to think critically.

Love,  Mothra

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Putin and the Ritz

PUTIN AND THE RITZ - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’˜πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

Randy Rainbow interviews Jeff Sessions about the Russian scandal and then entertains us with his latest song parody.

"Isn't the "Russian Probe" Donald Trump's secret nickname for Vladimir Putin?" LMFAO!!!!

Like Randy? Check out his YouTube Channel: Randy Rainbow

Love, Mothra

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bannon's Paranoid, Twisted World View

Above is a link to a Huffington Post article published on March 4, 2017 that points out the chilling ties between this ultra-racist book and Steve Bannon's world view. Bannon, in case you didn't know, is Trump's right-hand man and insiders say that he has a great deal of influence over Trump.

The novel, which depicts the western white world being overrun by non-white immigrants, specifically to topple it didn't do all that well when it was originally published in 1973. According to the HP piece, though, it was republished in 1983 by wealthy heiress Cordelia Scaife and got a cult following. When she republished the book again in 2001, it again gained a cult following among anti-immigration groups of the time and eventually the white supremacist alt-right nut-cases of today. 
The article and its accompanying video bring to light that Bannon has cited the despicable novel time after time in his fear-mongering talks on radio etc. Bannon's Breitbart also has referenced the novel several times.

It goes on to say:
Now Bannon sits at the right hand of the U.S. president, working to beat back what Bannon calls “this Muslim invasion.” And Trump is all in on the project. During the campaign, he called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. His Jan. 28 executive order, since blocked in the courts, turned this campaign idea into executive policy.
Below is a video that I found on YouTube further explaining Bannon and his KKK-like beliefs.

What on earth is happening in our country? I'm white; I don't always agree with or like the things that immigrants and/or people of color do, but they are NOT the enemy. The thousands of refugees from the Middle East that are flooding Europe and the rest of the world are not part of some master plan to spread Islam all over Christendom. They are men, women and children whose cities and homes are now piles of rubble. 

I seem to recall that the Sunday School that I went to at an all-white, Christian church said that Jesus' teachings said that we should help these people. Something about which hand of God you will be sitting at on judgement day (See Matthew 25).

Love, Mothra