

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Nail on the Head

The nail on the head.... Obama on the Republican theory of economics:
It’s a theory that says, if we do little more than just cut taxes for those at the very top, if we strip out regulations and let special interests write their own rules, prosperity trickles down to the rest of us. And I take the opposite view. And I take it not for ideological reasons, but for historic reasons, because of the evidence.
We know from the facts that are there for all to see that America does better, our economy does better, everybody does better when the middle class does better and we’ve got more ladders for people to get into the middle class if they’re willing to work hard. We do better when everyone grows together — top, middle, bottom. We do better when everyone has a chance not only to benefit from America’s success, but also to contribute to America’s success. And we know from more recent history that when we stray from that ideal it doesn’t turn out well. We’ve now got evidence there is a better way, there is a better approach. And I’m calling it middle-class economics.
Exactly! Trickle down economics is the biggest fallacy to ever hit the economic world. It hasn't worked. It doesn't work. It will never work. Greed makes the trickle down theory impossible to achieve.

Love, Mothra

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