

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bannon's Paranoid, Twisted World View

Above is a link to a Huffington Post article published on March 4, 2017 that points out the chilling ties between this ultra-racist book and Steve Bannon's world view. Bannon, in case you didn't know, is Trump's right-hand man and insiders say that he has a great deal of influence over Trump.

The novel, which depicts the western white world being overrun by non-white immigrants, specifically to topple it didn't do all that well when it was originally published in 1973. According to the HP piece, though, it was republished in 1983 by wealthy heiress Cordelia Scaife and got a cult following. When she republished the book again in 2001, it again gained a cult following among anti-immigration groups of the time and eventually the white supremacist alt-right nut-cases of today. 
The article and its accompanying video bring to light that Bannon has cited the despicable novel time after time in his fear-mongering talks on radio etc. Bannon's Breitbart also has referenced the novel several times.

It goes on to say:
Now Bannon sits at the right hand of the U.S. president, working to beat back what Bannon calls “this Muslim invasion.” And Trump is all in on the project. During the campaign, he called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. His Jan. 28 executive order, since blocked in the courts, turned this campaign idea into executive policy.
Below is a video that I found on YouTube further explaining Bannon and his KKK-like beliefs.

What on earth is happening in our country? I'm white; I don't always agree with or like the things that immigrants and/or people of color do, but they are NOT the enemy. The thousands of refugees from the Middle East that are flooding Europe and the rest of the world are not part of some master plan to spread Islam all over Christendom. They are men, women and children whose cities and homes are now piles of rubble. 

I seem to recall that the Sunday School that I went to at an all-white, Christian church said that Jesus' teachings said that we should help these people. Something about which hand of God you will be sitting at on judgement day (See Matthew 25).

Love, Mothra

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