

Friday, April 28, 2017

Preconceived Notions

preconceived notion

 n   an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence

Synonyms: parti pris, preconceived idea, preconceived opinion, preconception, prepossession

Type of: opinion, persuasion, sentiment, thought, view

a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
(from the Dictionary)

We all hold preconceived notions, often based on what we've seen in the past or on what somebody else has told us. It is all part of our brain's process of reasoning and decision making.

The internet and the digital age in general have made preconceived notions a huge problem, though. Any idea, no matter how outlandish it might seem, can be planted into the heads of millions in a matter of minutes and generate preconceived notions. The threat that holds for the free world is dire. Let's consult an expert ...

Hitler's henchman Hermann Goering on persuasion.

It has happened before and it is happening right now in the United States of America, folks. Some of what is going on follows the known formula for fascist takeover as if it came right out of a textbook. The relentless assaults on the truth, the use of the Christian religion to divide us, the blowing the perceived Muslim threat out of proportion using cherry-picked and even completely false information, the constant distractions , the bashing of the free press, the barring of the free press ... what have I missed? 

This isn't some wild-assed conspiracy theory - it is what is happening, right now. And the planting of preconceived notions is playing a major role. People, many of whom are fiercely independent and value their freedom, are being brainwashed with a bucket of lies and half-truths being spread on the internet.   

The internet also has the capability of undoing some of the damage that it has helped to bring about. The video below is a good example of how the internet can debunk some of our preconceived notions:

How many of these did you get right? Do you think that any preconceived notions you had played a part in your choices?

Let's all try to be aware of what our own preconceived notions are and wary of those who are trying to generate new ones.

Our Democracy depends on it!

Love, Mothra

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