

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Big Lie

The Big Lie Behind the Rise of Donald Trump

In the following video, Bill Moyers, Chris Lebron (Political Philosopher at Yale University), Nell Painter (Historian, Princeton University, Emeritus), Khalil Gibran Muhammad (Historian, Harvard Kennedy School), and Philip Klinkner (Political Scientist, Hamilton College) discuss the big lie that Donald Trump rode to power on.

Ignorance will destroy the USAI quite honestly find it bone-chilling. The reason why I find it bone-chilling is because people I know are right there in the thick of it. So many are people I have worked with, played with, people I grew up with, went to Sunday School with, my neighbors, my friends... They are buying into this big lie, and in fact they are willing to ignore facts in order to cling to it. 

White supremacism and the utter ignorance and blindness that goes along with it is alive and well in the good old U. S. of A. What can we do about it?

Love, Mothra

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